Posts 1: The beauty of East Asian girls

If as in Europe and America, the girls often exudes beautiful and sexy from a healthy body, filled life and "fiery" then in Asia, the beauty of the girls are hidden in the small and neat bodies.

The beauty of East Asian girls
The beauty of East Asian girls
In Asia, in general, men tend to like a girl with medium body, with measurements of buttocks, chest and waist moderately.

Therefore, the girls have small body are always more men to choose from.

The beauty of East Asian girls

Add a characteristic that you should know, Asian women have dark hair color and the height of the body quite low or only average.

So the beauty of Asian women is always in the height limit. Even so, the faces of so many Asian girls are also very beautiful, amazing, cute and even many girls are also equally sexy.

The beauty of East Asian girls
The beauty of East Asian girls
You also need to remember, the Asian girls do not like to becomplimented as sexy.

If you want to praise her beauty, just use the word "you're too pretty." To better understand, please read the article: Asian women do not like to be complimented as sexy.

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