A beautiful girl in the eyes of Europeans and the Americas

While Asians believe that a beautiful girl is the girl must own white and smooth skin, is the opposite, the Europeans and American have different views of a beautiful woman.

Deep tan skin

The people of northern Europe and the United States, South America said that a beautiful girl is the girl possesses a deep tan or brown skin.

This is Jenna Marke's share: I have lived in Northern Europe and now lives in America, so I have a little knowledge about the view of Northern Europe and the United States about a beautiful girl.

How it is regarded as a beautiful girl. Marke Jenna said she must have tanned skin, brown skin and smooth.

Deep tan skin
The beauty of  South Americas
Because thank of this skin, the girl looks more sexy, and the guys pay more attention.

If a white girl with fair skin - whether in Asia or the Americas, also will not be the favorite guy than a girl with brown skin or deep tan skin.

Deep tan skin
This is a sexy skin
That's why in the summer, people in Europe and America to travel to sunbathe, to make their skin more beautiful and tanned.

When traveling to Asian countries like India, China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand ... North Europe guys also love to see a girl with dark tan skin. They don't fancy these white girls.

deep tan skin
Asian guys said that: white girls are sexy
But Asians still hold the view: only white women are considered the most beautiful. Please read more: Asian's perspective about a beautiful girl

Deep tan skin
The beautiful girls in the eyes of Europeans and the Americas 
Deep tan skin

Deep tan skin

Deep tan skin